Aaron J. Fredericks

(Stylized Shalako Sculpture with flowers, flatdolls, and stylized Hopi Sunface)

12 3/4" total height

Featured within this elaborate sculptural masterpiece is one of the most elusive of all kachinas - the Shalako Taka.

"The Hopi Salako Taka towers seven or eight feet in the air, a long, slender, shoulderless figure that bows and dips as he moves in a most graceful manner. He is always accompanied by his sister, the Salako Mana, as wella s Hahai-i Wuhti and the Tukwinong Kachinas.

"The two Salakos are distinguisable only by a few details. The male has a pink face, earrings that are pendant eagle plumes, and the turquoise-colored moccasins of the men."

- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi Artist Documentary (248)

As with all of Aaron's kachinas, this piece is masterfully detailed with superb painting and shading. It has been carved primarily from one piece.

One of the most appealing aspects of Aaron's work is the detail he puts into the overall carving. Not only is the figure itself well carved, with meticulous attention to the subtle textures and delicate painting, but there is always additional symbolism and other meaningful Hopi motifs depicted throughout.

This piece brings a variety of sacred Hopi emblems together. It has a very delicate and spiritual feel.

A beautiful series of flowers also winds its way up the back side, featuring roses and others. A graceful Hopi Sunface appears in the stylized form of a sunflower.

The base also features traditional flatdolls.

All of these symbols come together as a prayer of thanks for the gift of life.

Aaron J. Fredericks is an accomplished carver whose work has rapidly reached the top of its category. He consistently does well at juried competitions including Santa Fe's Indian Market, the Heard Museum's Indian Art Show, and others. His work can be found in the most discriminating collections.

He is a traditional carver from the village of Shungopavi at Second Mesa. He enjoys working on his dolls, and gets a lot of inspiration from his cultural heritage. His wife also encourages his work and shares in the creative process by suggesting colorful themes seen throughout his work.

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